About Erfan Halgheh, Faradarmani, Psymentology, Interuniversalism (Farakolnegari)

Erfan Halgheh

Erfan Halgheh is an Iranian spiritual system founded by Mohammad Ali Taheri to educate people about Persian mysticism, Consciousness and Ontology, and to provide a path towards self-knowledge and awareness.

At Taheri Academy we offer comprehensive courses to help people pursue their enthusiasm in path of transcendence and are introducing Erfan Halgheh as a spiritual school which can help individuals to reach a best understanding about self and the universe. After taking our comprehensive courses, students will receive certificate to practice Erfan Halgheh, and after enter a mastery exam, they can become certified Erfan Halgheh masters which they can teach this spiritual system.



Faradarmani is a complementary medicine founded by Mohammad Ali Taheri to help patient with various physical and emotional disordes. This system is based on the theoretical concept of “Consciousness Bond”. As a qualitative complementary method of treatment, Faradarmani takes action to improve the condition of the patient without any kind of intervention in the quantitative process of treatment and without any hardware (physical) intervention.

On our comprehensive courses we offer Faradarmani trainings as complementary and holistic health services. By taking this course, students can become a certified Faradarmani practitioners.



Psymentology is an alternative medicine founded by Mohammad Ali Taheri to study human psyche and mind, and to provide a holistic treatment for mental disorders. Qualitative interventions offered in Psymentology assists human to attain a higher quality of being: well-being, well-thinking, and well-doing.

Taking our comprehensive courses will allow students to learn about Psymentology, to study human mind from different perspective, and to improve their own mental health and well-being. At the end of the course students will receive Psymentology certificate and they become certified Psymentology practitioners.

Learn more about our comprehensive courses here

Erfan Halgheh

Erfan Halgheh is an Iranian spiritual system founded by Mohammad Ali Taheri to educate people about Persian mysticism, Consciousness and Ontology, and to provide a path towards self-knowledge and awareness.

At Taheri Academy we offer comprehensive courses to help people pursue their enthusiasm in path of transcendence and are introducing Erfan Halgheh as a spiritual school which can help individuals to reach a best understanding about self and the universe. After taking our comprehensive courses, students will receive certificate to practice Erfan Halgheh, and after enter a mastery exam, they can become certified Erfan Halgheh masters which they can teach this spiritual system. The course provides spiritual therapy services and education for health, self-knowledge and wellbeing.


Faradarmani is a complementary medicine founded by Mohammad Ali Taheri to help patient with various physical and emotional disorders. This system is based on the theoretical concept of “Consciousness Bond”. As a qualitative complementary method of treatment, Faradarmani takes action to improve the condition of the patient without any kind of intervention in the quantitative process of treatment and without any hardware (physical) intervention.

On our comprehensive courses we offer Faradarmani trainings as complementary and holistic health services. By taking this course, students can become a certified Faradarmani practitioners. The course provides spiritual therapy services and education for health, self-knowledge and wellbeing.


Psymentology is an alternative medicine founded by Mohammad Ali Taheri to study human psyche and mind, and to provide a holistic treatment for mental disorders. Qualitative interventions offered in Psymentology assists human to attain a higher quality of being: well-being, well-thinking, and well-doing.

Taking our comprehensive courses will allow students to learn about Psymentology, to study human mind from different perspective, and to improve their own mental health and well-being. At the end of the course students will receive Psymentology certificate and they become certified Psymentology practitioners. The course provides spiritual therapy services and education for health, self-knowledge and wellbeing.


Learn more about our comprehensive courses here

Interuniversalism (Farakolnegari)

“Interuniversalism (Farakolnegari)” in brief refers to the elevation and expansion of the human thought to the level of the universe. This means that humans, by realizing their own existential greatness as the most superior beings in the universe, can comprehend this greatness and achieve their true position and status. In this regard, we aspire to transcend all limitations of nationality, race, ethnicity, and the like, and free ourselves from the mental constraints that arise from such thinking, paving the way for an enormous freedom.


Learn more about our comprehensive courses here